Neuropsychiatric Glossary

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Kahlbaum's term for protrusion of lips resembling a snout in catatonia

Scintillating scotoma
Shimmering spots of light in migrainous aura that may expand & occlude vision or become fortification spectra

Semantic (paraphasia)
Substitution of an incorrect but real word for the desired word in aphasia

Simple (hallucination)
Hallucination of primary sensory input devoid of particular meaning or identity

Inability to recognize more than a single object in a group of objects

Sleep drunkenness
Prolonged transition to or from sleep with disorientation, incoordination, and sometimes physically acting out

Sleep paralysis
Inability to move transiently during sleep onset or awakening

Sleep terror
Tendency to occasionally awaken with appearance of extreme fear, screaming, sometimes violent response to attemts at restraint, & no recall afterwards

Snout (reflex)
Release sign in which peri-oral tapping elicits a snout response of lips & snake

Social agnosia
Inability to recognize social nuances or understand emotion based on facial expression, gesture, or prosody

Sleep walking

Sleep talking

Spatial acalculia
Inability to correctly solve math problems due to spatial deficits (e.g. number alignment)

Speech arrest
Ictal symptom consisting of inability to speak

Speech containing involuntary pauses and repetitions, sometimes differentiated from stuttering in which the first syllable is repeated

Ability to name objects placed in hand without using eyes

Constantly repeated purposeless movement(s)

Aspect of frontal executive dysfunction in which patient is drawn to the most salient stimuli without consideration of other factors

Stressed (gait)
Assessing gait with patient slightly off balance (e.g. walk on sides of feet) to bring out latent posturing

Stuck-in-set (perseveration)
Inability to switch cognitive strategies despite changing demands of task

Supranuclear gaze
Eye movements to command (as opposed to pursuit)

Syndrome of approximate answers
See Ganser syndrome

Translation of experiences from one sensory modality to another (e.g. experiencing colors as sounds)