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Tachyphemia See logorrhea Tactile anomia Inability to name objects by touch alone Tandem (gait) Walking with the heel of one foot placed directly in front of the toe of the other foot Tangential Thought association includes many trivial details but veres off without reaching the point Teichopsia Scintillating scotoma Teleopsia Illusion of objects appearing farther away Theory of mind Ability to take the cognitive perspective of another individual Thought alienation Belief that one's thoughts are under the control of an outside agency or that others may participate in their thinking Tic Repetitive stereotyped movement often in response to irresistable urge Trailing phenomena Discontinuous stationery images that trail behind moving objects (type of palinopsia in LSD flashbacks) Transcortical motor aphasia Nonfluent aphasia with preserved comprehension, repetition, reading; impaired writing, naming (benefits from cues), from left frontal damage Transcortical sensory aphasia Fluent aphasia (few paraphasias) with poor comprehension, reading, writing, from lesion in posterior parietal-occipital area Transitive (praxis) Ability to carry out skilled movements involving tool use